Vidéos écolos en anglais

La plupart des vidéos sont au format RealVideo, il vous faut donc le lecteur adéquat, sur le site officiel de Real ou directement sur Clubic.

(Si voulez enregistrer les vidéos sur votre disque dur pour pouvoir les regarder tranquillement plus tard, télécharger-les avec NetTransport)

(You can download these videos for viewing offline, using NetTransport)

Les formats vidéos proposés sont :

RealVideo » [Format RealVideo]   WindowsMedia » [Format WindowsMedia]   et Quicktime » [Format Quicktime]


Solar racing in Arizona
[Format WindowsMedia]  (5mn19 - 26/01/2005)


Light-emitting-diodes (LEDs) for Christmas
[Format WindowsMedia]  (6mn51 - 16/12/2004)

Behind the scenes: Recycling
[Format WindowsMedia]  (3mn39 - 06/12/2004)

Eco-Trekker. Across the U.S. by bio-fuel
[Format WindowsMedia]  (7mn19 - 12/10/2004)

A train with a hybrid engine
[Format WindowsMedia]  (4mn30 - 02/09/2004)

Garbage dump produces biogas
[Format WindowsMedia]  (2mn42 - 25/08/2004)

A new material with the strength of nylon, is completely biodegradable.
[Format WindowsMedia]  (5mn03 - 23/08/2004)

Securing the Energy Supply
[Format Realplayer]  (15mn34 - 25/04/2004)

Global Solar Factory Tour
[Format Realplayer]  (5mn31)

Photovoltaic Shingles Installed
[Format Realplayer]  (7mn12)

Energy Efficient Products
[Format Realplayer]  (1mn55)

Enviro politics in Canada
[Format WindowsMedia]  (5mn30 - 28/05/2004)

Oceans pollution by plastic
[Format WindowsMedia]  (9mn - 15/01/2004)

Cosmetics pollutants
[Format WindowsMedia]  (5mn34 - 13/01/2004)

Toxic farm salmon
[Format WindowsMedia]  (6mn - 09/01/2004)


A look at the EPA's proposed 2003 budget
[Format WindowsMedia]  (6mn - 08/12/2003)

The newly released energy bill
[Format Realplayer]  (15mn - 17/11/2003)

New EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt
[Format Realplayer]  (12mn43 - 12/11/2003)

Eatable wrapper
[Format WindowsMedia]  (5mn - 10/11/2003)

Household cleaners toxicity
[Format WindowsMedia]  (1mn30 - 21/10/2003)

Hydrogen Power
[Format Realplayer]  (9mn26 - 20/10/2003)

Hydrogen Fuel
[Format WindowsMedia]  (4mn35 - 25/09/2003)

Energy Savings for Kids Video Clip
[Format WindowsMedia]  (10mn - 02/09/2003)

EPA Rule Change : Background
[Format Realplayer]  (16mn50 - 27/08/2003)

EPA Choice : Governor Leavitt
[Format Realplayer]  (19mn - 12/08/2003)

League of Conservation Voters Presidential Candidate Forum
[Format Realplayer]  (1h29mn - 26/06/2003)

National Resources Defense Council News Conference on Clean Water
[Format Realplayer]  (39mn - 11/06/2003)

Environment and the Bush administration
[Format Realplayer]  (14mn25 - 21/05/2003)

Behind the gas pump
Unsustainable Patterns
[Format WindowsMedia]  (29mn19 - 17/01/2003)

Hydrogen Fuel
[Format WindowsMedia]  (2mn - 06/01/2003)


Why Should I Bother : Waste Prevention (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (12mn40)

Waste Prevention in the Office (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (14mn)

Waste Prevention in Manufacturing and Distribution (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (16mn)

Explores the importance of water (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (30mn)

We All Live Downstream (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (28mn30)

Rethinking the American Dream (Transcript)
[Format Realplayer]  (19mn30)

Oil tanker Prestige sinks
[Format Realplayer]  (13mn29 - 20/11/2002)

Energy Deregulation
[Format Realplayer]  (25mn53 - 04/2002)

Talks on links between pollution and lung cancer
[Format Realplayer]  (30mn - 07/02/2002)

A look at the EPA's proposed 2003 budget
[Format Realplayer]  (27mn - 06/02/2002)

Water Pollution Controls : Temporary BMPs on Highway Construction Sites
[Format WindowsMedia]  (23mn30 - 2002)

Atmospheric Aerosols: Health, Environmental and Climate Effects
[Format Realplayer]  (56mn57 - 2002)

Global Climate Change and the Making of a Report to the US President
[Format Realplayer]  (59mn54 - 2002)

Mercury Pollution
[Format WindowsMedia]  (18mn - 2002)


Air conditioning efficiency
[Format Realplayer]  (7mn44 - 26/06/2001)

Energy alternatives
[Format Realplayer]  (14mn13 - 01/06/2001)

Wind Power
[Format Realplayer]  (10mn30 - 05/04/2001)

UV water purifier inventor
[Format Realplayer]  (5mn20 - 2001)

Human powered vehicles
[Format Realplayer]  (6mn38 - 2001)

Leaf Blower Education
[Format Realplayer]  (3mn56 - 2001)

Quelques liens :

Videos of TreehuggerTV in Divx.

Unite Nations webcast about Sustainable Development.

Les vidéos de Canal-U Education

Les vidéos de GreenWorks TV

Pour les professionels : Bullfrog Films

Sites pour chercher les vidéos :

Daily Planet :

Google video search : pollution, environment, renewable, ...

Yahoo video search : pollution, environment, renewable, ...